
© 2020 | Talmont Snow Removal

ATTN: VENMO customers, please add 5% to purchase price to cover fees. Thank you.

Talmont Snow Removal







P.O. Box 5698 Tahoe City CA 96145

334 Talvista Dr. Tahoe City CA 96145

First, we would like to thank our loyal customers that have been  
with us for over TEN YEARS of our professional life! We look forward to another decade of outstanding service! We are excited to announce that we will be accepting new customers for the 2024-2025 season! As always, pay early and save! Pay before June 1st to save $$$! 

    With superior service schedules, and our signature ORANGE and BLACK snow stakes, we make sure your driveway does not turn into a packed, icy, hazard. WE PLOW EVERY TIME IT SNOWS, and our service includes “cleanup” service, to plow away snow after cars are moved. We ensure the SAFEST possible access by care-taking your driveway throughout the winter months. We have specialized equipment to cut through any “pack” or ice so that your driveway surface starts to melt as soon as the sun shines on it.

    BORN-N-RAISED IN TALMONT! Russell Dodge, the owner of Talmont Snow Removal, knows this neighborhood. A lifetime in the neighborhood, and ten years in business, with unmatched experience, Talmont Snow Removal is the clear choice. Russell has the most powerful small tractor and blower combination available, CAT custom hydraulic plumbing allows the best “ZAUGG” blower to perform at least 3 times as well as a traditional Holder-Zaugg combo. As a CLASS A- GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR(CA LIC #1040502) Russell operates equipment year-round, contracting with local municipalities and builders in the summer months. Steeped in mountain ways, Talmont Snow Removal is the real deal. We get the job done, well done.

    WE LOVE ROCKS! We work exclusively with the finest quarry in the Sierra Nevada, located on Donner Summit CA. We have access to the most beautiful granite the area has to provide. Granite stairways, rock revetment, retaining walls, patio’s and fire pits are our specialties. We can supply all your rock needs, from native brown cobble, to beautiful lichen and moss covered granite boulders! IF YOU NEED ROCK, WE NEED TO TALK!

Russell Dodge


Talmont Snow Removal

(530) 581-2490